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神偷双子星 Breaking In

 比尔·福塞斯 / Bill Forsyth










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神偷双子星 Breaking In剧情介绍

新视觉影视大全第一时间收录《神偷双子星 Breaking In》并提供免费在线观看。神偷双子星 Breaking In上映于 2023-03-20(美国),是一部美国制片作品,由伯特·雷诺兹,凯西·希玛兹科,谢拉·柯雷,洛莱妮·图桑特,艾伯特萨尔米,小哈里·凯瑞等领衔主演。影片(剧)类型为喜剧片,对白语言为英文。全片(剧)时长45分钟,喜欢新视觉影视欢迎分享给身边的朋友,顺祝您观影愉快!

译  名 神偷双子星
片  名 Breaking In
年  代 1989
产  地 美国
类  别 喜剧 / 冒险
语  言 英语
上映日期 1989-10-13(美国)
豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/2064694/
片  长 94 分钟
导  演 比尔·福塞斯 / Bill Forsyth
演  员 伯特·雷诺兹 / Burt Reynolds
      凯西·希玛兹科 / Casey Siemaszko
      谢拉·柯雷 / Sheila Kelley
      洛莱妮·图桑特 / Lorraine Toussaint
      艾伯特萨尔米 / Albert Salmi
      小哈里·凯瑞 / Harry Carey Jr.
      莫里·柴金 / Maury Chaykin
      斯蒂芬·托布罗斯基 / Stephen Tobolowsky
      大卫·弗里希伯格 / David Frishberg
      Joseph Burke Joseph Burke
      阿兰·弗吉 / Alan Fudge
      吉恩·戴纳斯基 / Gene Dynarski
编  剧 约翰·塞尔斯 / John Sayles
制  片  人 安德鲁·梅耶 / Andrew Meyer
音  乐 Michael Gibbs Michael Gibbs
摄  影 迈克尔·库尔特 / Michael Coulter
剪  辑 迈克尔·埃利斯 / Michael Ellis
美  术 Woody Crocker Woody Crocker
化  妆 菲利浦·莱托 / Philip Leto
      曼奥·罗切蒂 / Manlio Rocchetti
      琼·安·布兰克 / Jean Ann Black
副  导  演 Chitra F. Mojtabai Chitra F. Mojtabai
      Richard Feury Richard Feury
视觉特效 Tim Donahue Tim Donahue
      约翰·科茨 / John Coats

简  介 

  I remember seeing this little film in the theater. It was a second run theater and this was the second part of a double feature with "The Abyss" which I had actually gone to see. I stuck around for this, not expecting much as Burt reynolds didn't have much a career going at this point. Boy, was I surprised! This film is a gem. A low-key comedy, where the humor doesn't come from gross-out belly laughs but from characters we can relate to. It was such a treat to see Reynolds shelve his tough-guy, trans-am persona and tackle a character role, showing warmth and depth akin to his work in Boogie Nights. I admit to a fondness for "caper" movies, and while this one fits the bill, it's not quite as clever in that department as some others, but this movie isn't about being clever, it's about people and how they relate to each other, even in the realm of burglars. If you haven't seen this, it's well worth renting.


  第3届东京国际电影节 (1989)
  主竞赛单元 最佳影片(提名) 比尔·福塞斯

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