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不良诗人 The Bad Poet

 吉安卢卡·乔迪 / Gianluca Jodice










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不良诗人 The Bad Poet剧情介绍

新视觉影视大全第一时间收录《不良诗人 The Bad Poet》并提供免费在线观看。不良诗人 The Bad Poet上映于 2023-03-20(意大利,法国),是一部意大利,法国制片作品,由赛尔乔·卡斯特利托,克洛蒂尔·蔻洛,马切洛·罗莫洛,<br等领衔主演。影片(剧)类型为剧情片,对白语言为无字幕。全片(剧)时长45分钟,喜欢新视觉影视欢迎分享给身边的朋友,顺祝您观影愉快!

译  名 不良诗人 / BAD POET / The Bad Poet
片  名 Il cattivo poeta
年  代 2020
产  地 意大利 / 法国
类  别 传记
语  言 意大利语
豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/34982732/
导  演 吉安卢卡·乔迪 / Gianluca Jodice
演  员 赛尔乔·卡斯特利托 / Sergio Castellitto
      克洛蒂尔·蔻洛 / Clotilde Courau
      马切洛·罗莫洛 / Marcello Romolo

简  介 

  Writer, poet, playwright, journalist, soldier and patriot, Gabriele D’Annunzio was the man Mussolini was inspired by in the process of building the Italian Fascist Movement. Our story starts when the poet is however ending up his life in exile, determined to fight against the fascist oppression and to not give up his freedom of thought. Even though D’Annunzio accepts honors and appointments from Mussolini, the Duce fears him and sends a young Italian federal to watch over the ‘evil poet’. Yet the poet, even if old and tired, hasn't lost his seductive skills. Will they charm the young soldier to the point of making him question himself and its faith to Fascism?

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